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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Instagram Fun

My new favorite IPhone app-now I just need to remember to take more pictures with it. They would be a great addition to our 2011 scrapbook and they look fantastic. Anyone out there use it and have any tips for me about getting them developed?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week Two

Yes, I do indeed realize I am currently way behind in my Project Life posts--hopefully next Tuesday there will be two weeks worth of posts-at least. After all, this is Week Nine we are currently living. I'll eventually catch up.

Left Side of Main Layout:

Right Side of Main Layout:

Two Extra 8x10 Photos:

Front & Back of Added Page Protector:

Extras I Added:

A new recipe we tried along with a thank you note we received from Kolton's teachers.

A special note from friend.

Kolton's full behavior chart from preschool.

"Stuff" from his new sneaker purchase.

Two pages that came home from preschool this week-love those.

Last few additions:

Friday, February 18, 2011

Our Sweet Nephew

Can't believe Baby Mike is six months old already!!!
If you click on the image it will open larger.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

On a really warm February day in Northern CA...they were BEGGING!!
(I guess that makes this a "Word Wednesday." Oops.)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Five Years That Flew By...

Three days after we arrived home from Ethiopia with him:

Just after he turned one year old with sweet Peja:

On his second birthday eating fruit snacks at the office:

Turning three with his waffle breakfast:

Turning four Incredible Hulk style:

Five years old at the park:

I don't know how it happened so fast, but he will be starting Kindergarten this year and he is so excited...

At five he loves:
-reading Magic Tree House books or "Jack and Annie books" as he calls them. We are currently on #6
-watching The Kings on tv, especially Tyreke Evans, his favorite player
-playing his Spiderman video game, wanting to get all the thugs and all the coins in each level
-peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in his school lunch every single Monday, Wednesday and Friday
-surprises of any kind
-"rolling out" his muscles with Daddy after a great workout
-cheese samples from Whole Foods
-playing with his best friends: Austin, Ryan, Abelardo and Maro
-any card game, but right now his absolute favorites are SkipBo Jr. and Superhero Memory from the Dollar Store
-hoodies, but they must be blue and feature a Superhero of some kind
-being in pictures (lucky me) and taking pictures too
-apple pies from McDonalds
-trying to feed Tivo at every meal...makes Tivo happy, but not us!
-playing Tron on Grandpa Dave's computer
-bacon for breakfast and ham-n-cheese quiche for dinner
-one on one time with anybody...he's always loved it this way
-graphic tees from Old Navy featuring Superheros
-projects with Mommy-especially cutting with scissors
-The Batman, Spongebob and any movie rental from the Redbox

I can't wait to see what new adventures this year brings!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Found this video today while searching for adoption blogs and charities.
Brought tears to my eyes-it was the opener for The Created for Care Adoptive Moms Retreat in the Atlanta area.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Project Life Tuesday is here...

Finally my Project Life Kit arrived in the mail last week-I am so glad it is here! I've been collecting photos and "stuff" for the past five weeks in a giant folder. I am starting my album from 12-26-2010 because I couldn't stand the thought of not starting on a Sunday. Now I am playing catch up so here is Week #1.

Left side of Main Layout:
Right Side of Main Layout:
Added 8.5x11 Page:
Other Side of Added 8.5x11 Page:
Front Side of Added 6x6 Pages:
Back Side of Added 6x6 Pages:
Front Side of Added 9 Slot Page Protector:
Back Side of Added 9 Slot Page Protector:
Added this LO of Kolton about letting his light shine-one of my all time favorite pictures of our little boy:
Other Side of LO is this paper Kolton brought home from PreK this week, I love to capture what he's doing right now and this is perfect:
I also added one other 8.5x11 Page Protector which featured Kolton's January Calendar from preschool. One side is the calendar and the other side is the Parent Newsletter.

I am working on Week #2 and will post it when I'm finished!
Thanks for looking:)