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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Our Little Graduate: Class of 2011

Yesterday was a really big day around here...
I dropped one very excited little boy off at preschool at 9am along with a giant bowl of fresh strawberries and a plate of donuts and danish.
I ran back home to grab Kalian and Grandpa Dave making sure to return my recently charged camera battery back into my camera. Since we live three blocks from school we traveled by foot and arrived early...I was so excited to hear the songs Kolton has been talking about for the past few days. We walked in to find the room all set up:
I helped to finish setting up the tables, place settings and snacks for each child-they were all set up with a great feast by the time we were finished...cupcakes, cookies, cheese, crackers, meat, fruit salad and juice! Karol helped out too-her children go to Kolton's preschool too. She used to care for Kolton in her home when he was only two. Now he, Bella and London are all friends. Karol told me London calls Kolton his "best friend." She is the second mommy to tell me that this year-makes me so proud of Kolton...we always tell him how important it is to be a good friend.
The children filed in and took their spots:
The teachers talked about the children and asked us to bring them back for a visit when we had a chance. Kolton's teacher, Ms. JoAna, has been at the school for 21 years. Here they are together:
Each student was called to the front of the room and received a hug, a Hawaiian lei and a graduation certificate...this is when my camera died-not because the battery ran out, but because my memory card was sad. I had to resort to my Iphone so some of photos are blurry including this one:
They sang some fabulous songs, but my favorite song was the last one they did-some type of Hula song. You wouldn't have believed the moves Kolton was throwing down! He was singing and dancing. The only thing I can think to compare it to is the way he danced at Courtney and Mike's wedding so if you were I'm sure you're laughing because that was quite a performance! In the middle of the song he yelled to a little girl in the front row: "Hey Aubree! Do the Hula!"
I don't think I will ever forget it.
There were a few kids who cried and refused to get up to get their certificates, but I am happy to say our son has no fear at all. I am so proud of who he is becoming-a good friend to others, a great dancer and a little boy who loves to go to school.
One of our favorite things about yesterday was finding this poster on the wall when we walked in...All About Kolton.
In case you can't see it:
I am 5 years old. My favorite color is red.
My favorite animal is a rhinoceros. My favorite food is pineapples.
This is what I look like. (self-portrait)
My family. (daddy, mommy and Kolton picture)
The mall is my favorite place. (drawing of a sneaker with Skecher written by it)
When I grow up I want to be a Daddy. (Daddy and Kolton)
My favorite thing to do is buy toys. (picture of Hulk)
If I had one wish I would wish for a motorcycle. (motorcycle picture)
Kolton isn't too fond of coloring or drawing, but he filled in every box and even did a "bit" of coloring.
A wonderful day!!!


  1. How stinkin cute! I nearly cried reading his "all about Kolton" poster. Love that he loves a rhino and his fav place is the mall :) How precious he wants to be daddy when he grows up- maybe one day I'll get to meet him face to face, until then I have this blog Thanks Brandi- this mom of teens loves a look into pre-school life

  2. Wish Gram and I could have been there to celebrate with Kolton. Thanks for sharing. Please tell Kolton Grammy Bev and Grandpa Pete are really proud of him! Give him a hug for us.
