Just after he turned one year old with sweet Peja:

On his second birthday eating fruit snacks at the office:

Turning three with his waffle breakfast:
Turning four Incredible Hulk style:
Five years old at the park:
I don't know how it happened so fast, but he will be starting Kindergarten this year and he is so excited...
At five he loves:
-reading Magic Tree House books or "Jack and Annie books" as he calls them. We are currently on #6
-watching The Kings on tv, especially Tyreke Evans, his favorite player
-playing his Spiderman video game, wanting to get all the thugs and all the coins in each level
-peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in his school lunch every single Monday, Wednesday and Friday
-surprises of any kind
-"rolling out" his muscles with Daddy after a great workout
-cheese samples from Whole Foods
-playing with his best friends: Austin, Ryan, Abelardo and Maro
-any card game, but right now his absolute favorites are SkipBo Jr. and Superhero Memory from the Dollar Store
-hoodies, but they must be blue and feature a Superhero of some kind
-being in pictures (lucky me) and taking pictures too
-apple pies from McDonalds
-trying to feed Tivo at every meal...makes Tivo happy, but not us!
-playing Tron on Grandpa Dave's computer
-bacon for breakfast and ham-n-cheese quiche for dinner
-one on one time with anybody...he's always loved it this way
-graphic tees from Old Navy featuring Superheros
-projects with Mommy-especially cutting with scissors
-The Batman, Spongebob and any movie rental from the Redbox
I can't wait to see what new adventures this year brings!
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